Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mike Miner, producer of TVO's "The Agenda", asked about the impact of the digital age on literacy. Here's my answer.

What impact has the digital age had on literacy? Improved? Made worse? Changed it? Caused it to evolve?
I sense that this question was asked on behalf of those bemoaning the rise in popularity of text messaging, Twitter and even LOLcat-speak. To them I say this:

Language is a moving target. If William Shakespeare could invent words why can't the rest of us? The undeniable truth is that digital communication has engaged more people with the written word than ever before. How can that be a bad thing?

And just as ZOMG and K THX BYE arguably have no place in an undergraduate essay, the perfect passive participle probably isn't suitable for your typical Facebook profile.

The best part is that English -- and other languages too, I'm sure -- are more dynamic and interesting than I can ever remember.

So all you haters can suck it, K THX BYE.

P.S. To Mr. Miner, if you'd like to have me as a panelist on The Agenda to debate this or other digital issues, I'm very TV-friendly:

Just putting it out there... 8-)